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Building a Catalyst for Human Connection
How might we create a suitable innovation to make the sharing of talents, skills or resources seamless and scalable.
FaithTech Online - Americas
Building a Mentoring Community
The number of opportunities for inexperienced software developers is declining. Most businesses want to hire developers with years of experience or knowledge of specific tools, which can limit someone just getting starting. We think we need a different kind of organization that has experienced developers mentoring inexpereinced developers while working together on real software projects.
Kansas City, KS, United States
Buyer Resist
Creaing an AI chatbot that helps re-direct people away from buying sex online.
FaithTech Online - Americas
Buyer Resist - Chatbot
How might we lead sex buyers to restoration in Jesus so that 1,000 men make a commitment to stop buying sex and to journey with Jesus in 2024?
FaithTech Online - Americas
AI / ML, Website
Catalyst Coalition
How might we develop engaging video reading input for marginalized children's groups.
FaithTech Online - Americas
Christian Co-Founders Platform
How might we create a platform for Christian Founders and Co-Founders?
FaithTech Online - Americas
Backend, Frontend

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FaithTech Africa
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Cairo, Egypt
Raleigh, NC, United States
Champaign, IL, United States
FaithTech MENA
Portland, OR, United States
Miami, FL, United States
Beirut, Lebanon
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Waco, TX, United States
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Toronto, ON, Canada
Tokyo, Japan
Tel Aviv, Israel
Silicon Valley, CA, United States
Seattle, WA, United States
São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Phoenix, AZ, United States
Orlando, FL, United States
Orange County, CA, United States
New York City, NY, United States
New Orleans, LA, United States
Nashville, TN, United States
Linz, Austria
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Kansas City, KS, United States
João Pessoa, PB, Brazil
FaithTech Online
Denver, CO, United States
Dallas, TX, United States
Curitiba, Brazil
Chicago, IL, United States
Charlotte, NC, United States
Bucharest, Romania
Boston, MA, United States
Bangkok, Thailand
Austin, TX, United States