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Practicing The Way Analytics Provision
How might we demonstrate how many people downloaded, used, and benefited from Practicing the way rule of life app.
FaithTech Online - Americas
Practicing the Way - Discipleship
How might we measure if discipleship programs are making a change in peoples' lives? If they are growing in the fruit of the spirit, becoming more like Jesus?
FaithTech Online - Americas
Prayer Walk Application
How might we capture prayer over specific geographic areas
FaithTech Online - Americas
Project NN
FaithTech Online - Americas
Rahab Ministry Database
How might we build a modern database that allows us to plan and track outreach activities to women and children in the sex trade, freeing up staff and volunteer resources to focus on helping those in need?
Toronto, ON, Canada
Reconciliation through Relationships
How might we create a platform that automates the process of linking indigenous and non-indigenous people together, in order to build reconciatory relationships between the people groups.
FaithTech Online - Americas

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New Orleans, LA, United States
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FaithTech Online
Denver, CO, United States
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Charlotte, NC, United States
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